School Fee
This is an unaided minority institution and does not receive any financial help from the Government or any other agency and the only income of the school is the fee realized from the students. Hence it become necessary to increase the fee from time to time depending upon the increase in the salary, increase in the cost of maintenance, addition and up-gradation of facilities.
The school fee shall be paid in three installments (excluding annual fee/readmission fee) at one go. Fees once remitted, will not be refunded, under any circumstances.
- 1. Fee may be paid in one sum or in three installments.
- 2. Installment consist of:
- a. January - February – March - April (Qtr. 1)
- b. May – June – July - August (Qtr. 2)
- c. September – October – November - December (Qtr. 3)
- 3. All the dues are to be cleared before the examinations. Defaulters will be barred from the examinations.
- 4. Fee has to be paid before the 12th of the 1st month of the installment quarter, failing which a fine of Rs. 50/- will be charged till the end of the month.
- 5. No reminders will be send to the parents to pay fee. The school fee cover twelve calendar months.
- 6. A pupil joining or leaving the school during the term will have to pay all the dues for the full term including the annual fee.
- 7. Parents will kindly keep the pay slip counterfoils with them till the end of the session, until promotion to the next class has been granted.
- 8. Computer science is compulsory from Cl. lll onwards and it will be charged extra.